Importing Line Based Scheduling Production Plan


You can use the bulk import feature to import line based scheduling requirements for line and product combination on a specific date with the fields:
  • Shift Date
  • Shift Code
  • Product Code

How to import

  1. Navigate to settings, then bulk data import and locate the Demand-based product plan link at the very end of the list
  2. Click download excel template
  3. Fill the template accordingly:
    • Shift Date - Date of the shift in the DD-MM-YY format
    • Shift Code - Code for the shift created on SchedulePro
    • Product Code - Code for the product created on SchedulePro
    • Remove Allocation - This field is used to remove or add each row when the file is being imported. If set to "TRUE the row when be removed from the system when the file is uploaded in case it already exists
  4. Upload file to SchedulePro

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