Annual Leave Summary Report

The annual leave summary shows you a breakdown of total leave hours per month in the chosen year.

How to get there:

Reports > Annual Leave Summary

In this article:

1) Viewing/Downloading the Annual Leave Summary Report

Viewing/Downloading the Annual Leave Summary Report

When you open the annual leave summary report page, you’ll see a configuration screen where you can set your parameters for generating the report:

Here’s a breakdown of the above fields:

Year – The year for which you want to view leave information.

Start of Month – The first month for which you want to view leave information.

Leave Filters – If you only want to view information about certain types of leave, expand this section to choose from a list of your leave codes.

Group Filters – If you only want to view information about leaves taken by employees in certain groups, expand this section to choose from a list of your groups.

When you’re done, click “View Report” or “View Report in New Window”.

At the top of the page is the download menu.  If you want to download the report, first choose the format to which you want to save.  Then click the floppy disk “save” icon.  The report will be downloaded to your computer.

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