Call-off Hotline

SchedulePro offers a Call-off Hotline for employees to call into. Employees need to call in from the phone number set up in their profile in the notification section.


Once this is enabled for your organization, you can manage what leave codes employees can choose from when calling in and the time range before and after the shift start time.

You'll need to set the leave codes attached to this feature to auto approve.

Next, take the following steps to finalize or alter the Call-off Hotline.

  1. Go to Settings > Organization
  2. Scroll down the page to Last Minute Absence Settings
  3. Enter up to 6 leave codes
  4. Set the range before and after a shift employees can call in
  5. Hit Save

How It Works

If an employee is unable to make it to work for their next shift, they can call the number configured for your organization.

  1. Employee calls the dedicated number
  2. System says the next shift within the window
  3. Employee confirms shift
  4. System says leave reasons available
  5. Employee chooses reason
  6. Call ends
  7. Leave is auto approved in system
  8. Employee unassigned from shift
  9. Open requirement appears on schedule to fill

Click here for more information on this feature.

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