Auto Approve Leave Requests

Auto Approve Leave Requests


Leave codes can be setup to allow SchedulePro to auto approve an employee submitted leave request.

The auto approval feature allows you to specify which types of leave can be auto approved and the time frame for SchedulePro to auto approve leave requests.

This feature is managed in Home>Settings>Codes

Setting Leave Codes to Auto Approve Requests

Auto approval must be set for each leave code you would like to auto approve requests.

Select a code from your list of leaves that you would like to have auto approved.

If the Auto-Approve Leave request feature is activated for your organization you will see a section for Auto-Approve Leave Request Settings at the bottom of the page.

Selecting the checkbox will display settings for the auto-approve leave request window. Set the window for when the system should begin and end auto approving the leave type in terms of hours prior to the start of the first shift in the leave request.


  • Negative Numbers can be used to set the start or end time after the beginning of a shift.
  • The start and end times cannot be set with the default values 0/0

Auto Approval of Leave Requests by Employees

After saving a leave request set to auto-approve during the approval window the employee request will show as Pending until they refresh the page:

After refreshing it will show as Accepted:

Impact of Auto Approval on Leave Request Rules

Your organization likely has rules in place around employee leave requests. When a rule is broken it can trigger either a violation or a warning. An employee attempting to make a request that triggers a violation will be blocked from submitting the request, while a request that triggers a warning can still be submitted by the employee for review and approval by a supervisor.

For auto approval, if an employee is able to submit a leave request it will be approved during the auto approval window. This means an employee leave request that breaks a rule triggering a warning will be auto approved:

For a supervisor viewing the leaves from Schedule Manager or System Administrator access, the leaves will appear as accepted. The details of the individual leave request must be viewed to determine if the leave was auto approved and if there were any violations. Auto approved leaves say the leave was approved by the employee submitting the request:

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