If you have permission, you can use SchedulePro to submit a leave request. Dependent on your configuration, the request will be sent to a manager for approval or automatically approved.
From the Home page, navigate to Leave Requests.
By default, leaves dated today through the next three months are displayed. Click the date panel to change the date range.
To submit a leave request, click the ADD NEW LEAVE button and complete the required fields.
Leave: Choose the type of leave you want to take. For example, paid sick leave or jury duty.
Start Date: Enter the date the leave should start or click the calendar to select the date.
End Date: Enter the date the leave should end or click the calendar to select the date.
Partial leave: By default, the leave request will be applied as a full day leave. However, if you’re going to be on leave for less than a full day, enable the Partial leave checkbox. This will add the Start Time and End Time fields. You can use the clock icons to select the time.
If your shift crosses midnight and you are asking for a partial leave that starts or ends on the next day you, will need to choose the hour with the (+1) next to it. This indicates the next day.
Comments: Add any comments about the leave. The approval manager can review these.
Click SAVE to submit your request or DISCARD CHANGES to delete the request.
Your leave request will display with a Pending status until Accepted, Declined or Auto- Approved.
The approval manager will be notified and can Accept, Decline or Edit your leave request. Auto-Approved leave types will follow the system configuration for approval.
You will receive a notification through the SchedulePro message system when your approval manager takes action on your leave request. Dependant on your Notification Settings, you may also receive an email or SMS text.
If approved, the status will change to ACCEPTED. Click the accepted leave to view the details.
If you need to cancel your request, open it and select the Cancel button. The approval manager(s) will be notified and Approve or Decline the cancellation.