Overtime Equalization Report

How to get there:

Reports > Overtime Equalization Report

In this article:

1) Viewing/Downloading the Overtime Equalization Report

The overtime equalization report shows the overtime hours worked per employee up to a selected date.  This value appears under the Overtime Hours column. Any overtime hours incurred after the selected date are added in the Total Overtime Hours column.

Viewing/Downloading the Overtime Equalization Report

  1. When you open the overtime equalization report page, you’ll see a configuration screen where you can set the report parameters.

Overtime Up To Date – The last date that you want to factor in overtime hours.

Sort by – Determines how the list of employees is sorted in the report (last name, team, overtime hours, or total overtime hours).

Report Type Select Summary data or details.

Group – If you only want to display employees in a certain group, choose that group from the dropdown list.

When filtering by a specific Group, the report will only count the Overtime Hours and last shift date of the Positions and Locations that are included in that Group. This means that if employees are assigned to Positions and Locations that re not included in that Group, they will be excluded from the totals provided.

Group Filters – If you only want to display employees who are included in a custom mix of position and location, expand this section to choose from a list of your position and location codes.

  1. When you’re ready, click View Report, Save As Preset or Get Link.
  1. The download menu appears at the top of the page. 
  2. Select the format and then click the floppy disk Save icon. 
  3. The report will be downloaded to your computer.

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