Daily Shift List by Bids Report

The daily shift list by bids report shows a daily breakdown of all employees who were assigned work on those days via the bid system, including information about the work they were assigned.

How to get there:

Reports > All Reports > Bids > Daily Shift List by Bids

In this article:

1) Viewing/Downloading the Daily Shift List by Bids Report

Viewing/Downloading the Daily Shift List by Bids Report

When you open the daily shift list by bids report page, you’ll see a configuration screen where you can set your parameters for generating the report:

Start Date – The day on which you want the report to start.

End Date – The day on which you want the report to end.

Group – If you only want to display information about shifts where the position/location is included in a certain group, choose that group here.

Group Filters – If you only want to display information about a custom mix of positions and locations, expand this section to choose from a list of your position and location codes.

When you’re done, click “View Report”.

At the top of the page is the download menu.  If you want to download the report, first choose the format to which you want to save.  Then click the “save” icon.  The report will be downloaded to your computer.

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