Using Jobs

Jobs are used to identify the work that an employee can perform as part of their Primary Job Assignment as well as additional position and location combinations. The Customer Success team will configure your instance to allow the use of jobs.

  1. From the Home page navigate to Settings and then Employees.
  2. Locate an employee record and tap the pencil icon to edit.
  3. Click the Secondary tab to view the current list of Jobs and the Primary Job Assignment.
  1. Click the Edit link to edit an existing Job. Enable the Rotate checkbox to allow jobs to be evaluated for scheduling on a rotating basis. Click Update Job to save your chagnes.
  1. Click the +Job button to add a new Position and Location combination.
    1. In this example the employee is trained to work the MGR position at the SUPP location. The dropdown list will include the positions and locations configured for your site.
  1. Select the checkmark to save the new job or the X icon to delete the entry.
  2. Each employee needs a Primary Job Assignment. Notice that the Primary Position and Primary Location fields are greyed out on the Employee Info tab. Those fields are populated from the Secondary tab data based on the Start Date and End Date.
  1. Users with permission can add a new Primary Job Assignment by clicking the +Primary button.
  2. Choose a Position and Location and identify the Start Date. The End Date will default to No End Date. After selecting the checkmark this job, a combination of position and location, will be active until a new Primary Job Assignment is added.
  1. When a schedule is created, the employee will be added based on the Daily Core Staffing Requirements. These identify the quantity of staff needed by position, location and shift. When AutoSchedule is run, the Jobs listed on the Secondary tab will be evaluated and the employee will be placed in the optimized job and shift.

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