Individual Employee Timesheets Report

The individual employee timesheet shows a table of information about all work done by a specific employee in a chosen date range, including all shifts worked, overtime, and total hours.

How to get there:

Reports > Individual Employee Timesheets

In this article:

1) Viewing/Downloading the Individual Employee Timesheets Report

Viewing/Downloading the Individual Employee Timesheets Report

When you open the individual employee timesheets report page, you’ll see a configuration screen where you can set your parameters for generating the report and choose from a list of all your employees:

Here’s a breakdown of the configuration fields toward the top of the page:

Start Date – When you want the report to start.

End Date – When you want the report to end.

Groups – This allows you to filter the list of employees at the bottom of the page.  If you only want to show employees within a certain group, choose that group here.

Display only overtime shifts – Checking this box will show only overtime shifts on the report.

Show Details – You can choose to show a second detailed version of the report underneath the main individual employee timesheet by checking this box.  The detailed version will include information about dates, start times and end times for each shift worked.

View Report in New Window – Check this box to view the report in a new window.

You can also filter the list of employees by using the text fields under the column names for “Employee #”, “First Name”, “Last Name”, “POS” and “LOC”.  Note that you must hit enter for any new filter to take effect.

Once you’ve finished configuring the report settings and have found the employee whose schedule you want to view, click “View” for that employee (in the far left column).

At the top of the page is the download menu.  If you want to download the report, first choose the format to which you want to save.  Then click the floppy disk “save” icon.  The report will be downloaded to your computer.

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