Work Levels


Work levels can control two aspects in SchedulePro: the order requirements are filled when using AutoSchedule, and the order the schedule is displayed.

If you do not have work levels enabled on your account, a member of our support team can assist in setting this up.

Enable Work Levels Sort

Go to Organization Settings and locate Schedule View Visibility Options. Update the Requirements Sort Order to Work Levels, Location, Position, Shift.

Prioritize Work Levels

The work level defines the priority of a requirement (position, location, and shift), or it can be less specific and define the priority based on any one of these fields. The Any option within the Position, Location and Shift fields allows for you to control multiple requirements at once.

To create work levels and set the priority, go to Work Levels from the Home Page.

Select New to create a work level.

Choose the position, location, and shift from the dropdown. Then set the priority and hit Save.

Work level priority is sorted from lowest to highest; the lowest number will be assigned first and appear at the top of the schedule. If two Work Levels have the same priority number, they are then sorted by print order, then alphanumerically by Shift.

Import Work Levels

Work levels can also be controlled using a bulk import. To do this, go to Settings > Bulk Data Import > Work Levels.

Download the template, fill in the codes for each line and determine their order in the Level column.

Save the file as a CSV before importing. SchedulePro will not accept the XLS format.

Importing work levels will DELETE and OVERWRITE all existing work levels for your organization. As a best practice, work levels should always be exported first, edited as needed and then reimported.

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