All Categories > Scheduler's Guide > Set-Up & System Administration
You can think of the Organization page as the profile page for your organization. This is where you enter your organization’s basic configuration settings. This article will explain how those configu…
Updated 9 months ago
Users with permission can import and export data in.CSV format. Export available files, manipulate them in Excel and import them back into SchedulePro. Bulk Data Export. From Home , navigate to Setti…
Updated 2 years ago
Assigning a shift pattern to an employee manually can be time-consuming. If you have groups of employees who all work the same shift pattern, you may want to assign that shift pattern to them all at…
Exporting the current shift pattern assignments. Go to Home>Settings>Bulk Data Export and choose the Employees Shift Pattern From Library template to Generate. Click on the Export to CSV. The file wi…
Updated 2 years ago by Ester Villegas
The SchedulePro log viewer is a feature that allows you to view detailed "logs" of every action or change made in SchedulePro. This feature comes in handy if you have multiple manage users, as it kee…
Updated 5 months ago
Use the Add & Replace function in the schedule to manage statutory holidays when employees are not working. From the Home page navigate to Settings > Holidays. Click New and then enter the holiday Na…
A group is a subdivision of your organization into a set of positions paired with a set of locations. Using groups is entirely optional, but very useful if yours is a very large or highly segmented o…
SchedulePro lets you set up groups and teams. On the surface, they seem very similar. This article briefly outlines the differences between the two, as well as what you can do with your teams. The ke…
Event templates allow you to associate breaks and tasks with any of your shifts. For instance, if the standard day shift has a 1-hour lunch break from 12-1 and an inventorying task from 4-5, you can…
These are your hour-by-hour requirements for positions , skills and tasks. For instance, if you need at least with first aid skills scheduled every day from 8 AM to 6 PM, you can create that requirem…
Updated 4 years ago
Overview. A staffing level defines how many employees can request a specific leave before finding their own coverage. The staffing levels feature in SchedulePro allows you to specify the maximum numb…
An organization’s rules are all of its configuration settings that determine who is eligible for which shifts. Some organizations may have their own custom-coded rules, but SchedulePro also comes wit…
Qualifications and Proficiencies can be used when your employees have certain skills or tasks that are certified and require constant practice to remain up-to-date: Qualification refers to a form of…
API RP 755 is an industry response to the 2005 British Petroleum Texas City refinery disaster that resulted in 15 deaths and 180 injuries. It is an industry self-regulation and not a legally mandated regulation (subject to change). Unlike PHMSA, API RP 755 is a tool for the management of risk, and not of fatigue.
HOW TO: INCORPORATE TURNAROUND SCHEDULES IN SCHEDULEPRO FOR UPCOMING OUTAGES. Turnaround schedules can be incorporated by changing the effective dates of an employee's current shift pattern, then add…
SchedulePro has the ability to send one-way customized messages to any or all employees that are part of your schedule, from inside the application. In order to have that option available to you, you…
Secondary Positions and Certifications are used for additional requirements such as the Emergency Response Team. These codes are separate from Position Codes and indicate a special level of certifica…
Updated 5 months ago by Shiftboard Support
Discover workers sooner with our enhanced Candidate Finder, where search methods adapt automatically to display only relevant options. It's ideal for customers with diverse search method categories b…
Updated 10 months ago by Shiftboard Support
Overview. W ork levels can control two aspects in SchedulePro: the order requirements are filled when using AutoSchedule, and the order the schedule is displayed. If you do not have work levels enabl…
Updated 1 year ago by Shiftboard Support
Employees. How do I log into my SchedulePro account? Logging In & Changing Your Password. System Administrators, Schedule Managers and Schedulers. How can I run reports? Reporting and Analytics. Why…
SchedulePro can be configured to allow employees to volunteer for overtime. The most common setup is to allow employees to choose shifts and dates they are willing to accept overtime shifts. Once ena…
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