Hourly Requirements

These are your hour-by-hour requirements for positions, skills and tasks.  For instance, if you need at least with first aid skills scheduled every day from 8 AM to 6 PM, you can create that requirement here.

How to get there:

Settings > Requirements > Hourly Requirements

In this article:

1) Basic Information

2) Creating/Editing an Hourly Requirement

3) Viewing Hourly Requirements on the Schedule

Basic Information

When you open the Hourly Requirements page, you’ll see a table of your existing requirements, with the message “No data to display” if none have been entered yet:

Creating/Editing an Hourly Requirement

To create a new requirement, click on the “New” button toward the top left of the page.  To edit a requirement, click on the pencil icon for the requirement you want to edit.  Either action will take you to the following screen:

At the top of the screen, you can choose any combination of position, skill and task.  Note that, unlike in your daily core staffing requirements, you can choose “Any” for each of these drop-downs.  You can even leave all three drop-downs at “Any”; this will let you define hourly requirements applying to your entire workforce (i.e. there must be X number of employees scheduled during the following hours of the day, the following days of the week).

Below the drop-downs, there’s a table showing each hour of the day for each day of the week.  In the cells of this table, you can enter the number of employees required.

Once you’re done, click “Save” to retain your changes.  Any new requirement will now appear in your table of existing requirements.

Viewing Hourly Requirements on the Schedule

After you’ve defined your hourly requirements, you can view their coverage on the published or unpublished schedule by choosing “Daily (12 Hours – Events)” or “Daily (24 Hours – Events)” under the “View Type” drop-down.

When you choose these view types, the Coverage Summary will switch over to your hourly requirements, if any are defined.

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