Using Employee Usernames

If you have employees that do not have a valid email address, you can create a Username for access to SchedulePro and the mobile companion application. Contact Support or your Customer Success Manager to enable this feature.

Once the selection has been made on the Employee record, it cannot be changed, you will have to delete the employee record and add the employee again. Employees who already have email addresses cannot be changed to use usernames. Currently, we do not support bulk imports for usernames.
If you use SSO, single sign on, you will continue to follow your current process.

Adding New Employees with a Username

Once the feature is enabled you will see the Email Address/Username required for online access heading when adding a new employee.

  1. There are radio buttons to select the E-mail Address or Username option.
  • We support any combination of English letters (both lowercase and uppercase), numbers, and special symbols - _ for the username. The length must be between 4 and 18 characters.
  1. Add the employee as you normally would, and press Save.

Sending Login Credentials to Employees with Usernames

  1. Sign in as a system administrator or a schedule manager and go to Settings > Username and Password Management.
  2. Select the employee(s) with usernames and click Generate Password.
  1. You can Auto-generate password, Set password to preset value or select Let me create the password.

Auto-generate password

Set password to preset value

Let me create the password

There are several options for preset password values. The customer success team or support can review the choices.
  1. If you enable the Send password in email checkbox, you can select one or more approval managers in the To: field. Click Send to send the email(s) or Print to share the password manually.

Usernames and one-time passwords will be sent to the names selected in Step 3. The accepted format for passwords is 8-16 characters, containing 3 out of 4 of the following: Lowercase characters, uppercase characters, digits (0-9), and one or more of the following symbols: @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ' , ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; .

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