All Categories > Scheduler's Guide > Adding & Editing Employees
The Employees page contains your current employee records and allows authorized users to add or edit data.
Updated 2 years ago
From the Home page navigate to Settings > Employees and click New Employee. Contact Info. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk. You must fill in each of those fields to save the employee r…
Updated 8 months ago
If any of your organization’s employees work according to a cyclical schedule (working some pattern of shifts and then looping back around to the beginning), you probably want to give those employees…
If an employee works any positions and/or locations other than their primary ones, you can add those as secondary positions and locations. This makes the employee eligible to work shifts for those po…
When an employee leaves the organization, the employee profile needs to be deactivated to avoid: Access to company information. Utilizing a license that is needed for another employee. The employee c…
Updated 2 years ago by Ester Villegas
If your organization permits, employees can specify when they are unavailable to work through the Unavailability Management menu. Managers can also identify when an employee is unavailable to work vi…
If you have employees that do not have a valid email address, you can create a Username for access to SchedulePro and the mobile companion application. Contact Support or your Customer Success Manage…
Username and Password Management allows users with permission to auto generate new passwords, set passwords to a preset value or create new passwords.
Updated 1 year ago
The Employee Group Assignments page gives you a quick and easy way of giving employees permission to view the schedule of one of their groups and of setting employees’ approval managers. (An employee…
Notification Preferences allow Managers/Schedulers to send emails and SMS notifications to their employees for any scheduling-related activities affecting that employee, It can be customized per sing…
SchedulePro has released four more Employee Types for a total of seven unique types to categorize employees with. The default values are as follows. Full time. Part time. Casual. Contractor (New). In…
Updated 9 months ago by Shiftboard Support
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