Sending Usernames and Passwords

If your organization is using SSO (Single Sign On) authentication, use your company login username/password.

Username and Password Management

  1. Navigate from the Home page to Settings and then Username and Password Management.
  1. Users with access will see a table of employee records.
    1. If you do not see an employee listed, verify their Contact Info.
    2. Use the checkbox(s) and column heading search fields to display the correct records.
  1. With the correct employee(s) selected, click the Generate Password button.
  1. From the Password Reset screen, select one of the available options and click Reset.

Auto-generate password

Set password to preset value

Let me create the password

  1. If you select Send password in email you can forward the password to the approva
    1. If the employee has a valid email address, you can forward it to them directly.

  1. Use the Print button to print the list of passwords for distribution.
  1. Users can now log in with their temporary password (Enter Old Password), Enter a New Password and Confirm the New Password.

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