
Employees Page Navigation

  1. From the Home page navigate to Settings > Employees. You will see a table of your existing employees or the message “No data to display” if no records have been added yet.
  1. The five columns toward the right of the table (SP, EV, UA, SD, and SK) reflect information about that employee's Shift Patterns, Events, Unavailability, Secondary positions/locations, and Skills. Notice the Legend. The checkmark and question mark icons indicate that this data is submitted or missing, respectively. 
  2. The clickable pencil and red X icons allow authorized users to Edit or Delete.
  3. You can filter your list of employees by Employee #, First Name, Last Name, Position, or Location.
  1. Use the radio button to display only active or only inactive employees.

Additional Topics

If you are adding or editing employees, it is recommended that you read the following articles.

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