Break Codes
Break codes are used to define any regular breaks that occur during employee shifts, such as lunch breaks. They can be added to shifts through the Event Templates Library.
- Navigate to Settings > Coes > Break Codes.

- The “B” code is a generic break code.
- The “L” code is for lunch breaks.
- The “M” code is for meetings.
- To edit a break code, click the pencil icon.
- To delete a break code, click the red X.
Note that if a break code has been used anywhere else in SchedulePro, you won’t be able to delete it. You will need to set the status to inactive.
- Click New to add a new break code.

Code – 4-character (a-z, A-Z, 1-9, 0) abbreviation that will represent the break throughout the product.
Description – A more detailed name/job title or explanation of what the break is for.
Inactive – Checking this box sets the code to inactive.
There is no field to define the length of the break. That is done in the Events Template Library. This allows you to make the lunch break for a shift an hour long, but for another shift, you can make it half an hour.
- Click Save.