All Categories > Scheduler's Guide > Codes
Position codes generally represent the jobs your employees perform. If you have changed the Organization settings to rename position codes, they will appear based on your custom label. Navigate to Se…
Updated 2 years ago
Location codes may define where employees work, or they may denote entirely separate locations such as “Line 1” and “Utility” or “North Office”. They might also denote different areas or teams within…
Shift codes store information regarding when your shifts begin and end, as well as how many hours workers get paid for each shift. This is useful in cases where you have a shift that spans, say, 9 ho…
Navigate to Settings > Codes > Leave Codes. Click the pencil icon to edit an existing leave code and the red X to delete one. . Note that if a leave code has been used anywhere else in SchedulePro, y…
Updated 9 months ago
Refusal codes are used to track why an open shift was not accepted by an employee when it was offered to them.
Updated 1 year ago by Ester Villegas
Work reason codes keep track of why employees are working a particular shift. When a scheduler adds or edits any employee shift, they can add any existing work reason codes to “tag” the assignment. N…
Team codes are used to group your employees together, but function differently than Groups. They may be employees who work together, or employees who share a common characteristic, such as “full-time…
Task codes keep track of additional duties that employees may need to perform during their shift. These tasks may have to be done at a certain time, or may last for the whole shift. These are useful…
Updated 3 years ago
Break codes are used to define any regular breaks that occur during employee shifts, such as lunch breaks. They can be added to shifts through the Event Templates Library. Navigate to Settings > Coes…
Skill codes represent additional knowledge your employees may have, such as first aid training, professional certificates, and so on. How to get there: Settings > Codes > Skill Codes In this article:…
Deleting Codes. You will receive an error message if you attempt to delete a code that is currently in use. Best practice is to set codes to an inactive status... If you must remove a code, follow th…
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