All Categories > Scheduler's Guide > SchedulePro Basics
This glossary contains brief definitions of SchedulePro's key terms and features.
Updated 4 years ago
SchedulePro is hosted on a web platform, not downloaded to your computer, meaning you’ll never have to worry about installations or updates. Once your site is available, you can access it from
Updated 2 years ago
Codes are the short, descriptive labels you give to your positions, locations, shift types, employee teams, and more. How to get there: Settings > Codes Codes are useful because they store a lot of i…
Shift patterns are templates indicating which shifts an employee works on which days.
The Manage Users page lets users with permission assign other employees to one or more default or custom roles. The available default roles are: System Administrator. Schedule Manager. Scheduler. Rep…
Updated 6 months ago
SchedulePro Building Blocks will give you an overview of SchedulePro's 4 Key Elements and 3 Core Codes. These work together to generate your workforce schedule. Key Elements. 4 Key Elements: (1) Code…
Updated 2 years ago by Ester Villegas
Daily core staffing requirements identify how many of each type of worker you need on each shift at each of your locations.
Schedule Sections. The schedule contains four main sections... Coverage Summary displays your schedule based on shift requirements. All assignments that have a shift code will be shown in this sectio…
From any page, select the envelope icon. Click View all messages. Dependent on the account selected during log in, you will see the following. If you have logged in as an employee, you will see two t…
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